Infact here is a flow chart that will take you on the step by step journey my mind is taking...
Now that you can see what is happening here i feel like preparing food should be easier and tastier with the smallest amount of energy directed into the feeding process, as i get bored quickly.
So i have been all about seeking what others cook and been essentially doing everything i can to add my own spice to it. Now for a modern Man, this should be as simple as pie with the plethora of cheaply produced cooking shows speading all over television like Herpes on the sub-continents... but i seem to hate the hosts of the before mentioned shows with such passion that all i want to do is find a large knife and cause a mass ready,steady homocide!But just my luck, i bail quickly on day time T.V and freestyle in the isles of the local supermarket.... i just start grabbing random things which i hope perform magic on my taste buds.. otherwise its back to left overs and low level nutritional satisfaction.... Its a wild food merry-go-round im on and im just starting the circle again...
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