Sunday, October 31, 2010

For the New Kids On The Block...

  •  Are You’s

1. Are you single -  yes
2. Are you happy -  eh
3. Are you naked -  topless?
4. Are you a blonde - brown haiiiir rules the world!
5. Are you a lover/hater - A lover who can sometimes drink some haterade
  •  Facts

1. Full Name – Max Awesomness
2. Nicknames – what is this.. 20 questions?
3. Any birth marks – i got this weird holy trinity of freckles?
4. Natural hair color – brown
5. Eye color – Blue
6. Height – 6'0"
7. Favorite color –White
  •  Things about your love life

1. Do you believe in love at first sight – yes..
2. Do you believe in soul mates – certainly
3. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes
4. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? – I going to go with yeah...
5. Ever had your heart broken? - mmm not after the 2 days of recovery....
6. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? – all the time...
7. Are you afraid of commitment? – MORE THEN ANYTHING ON EARTH!
8. Who was the last person you hugged? – i dont do hugging... im a snuggler
9.  Who was the last person you said I love you to? – Mr. Whippy?

  •  This or that

1. Love or lust – both... sex bruises are the best bruises
2. Cats or dogs - pugs all the waay... cats can DIE!
3. A few best friends or many regular friends - a very select few...
4. Television or internet - internet cause im here... but outdoors please...
5. Chinese Or Indian - they are both taking over...
6. Wild night out or romantic night in – Plan A fusing into Plan B minus the alcohol
7. Money or Happiness - happiness... but money can buy that right?
8. Night or Day - Day
9. MSN or Phone – uncontactable bliss
  •  Have you ever

1. Been caught sneaking out – no... im a ninja
2. Been skinny dipping -  yep
3. Bungee jumped – check
4. Lied to someone you liked – yes
5. Finished an entire jaw breaker – f-yeahh... like a BOSS!
6. Wanted an ex gf back – epic no.. actually one i do.. so yes...
7. Cried because you lost a pet – yup
8. Wanted to disappear – always!

  •  Preferences in a partner

1. Smile or eyes – smile... unless they have those sexy see-through type eyes... mmmm mystically exotic
2. Light or dark hair - brunette... no other option
3. Hugs or kisses – big spoon?
4. Shorter or taller – nicely proportioned
5. Intelligence or attraction - intelligence
6. Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
7. Funny or serious – funny
8. Older or Younger - childishly mature?
9. Outgoing or quiet – outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad Ass – both
  •  Have you’s

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – yes
2. Ever done drugs – yes..
3. Ever been on a cheerleading team – no... am i gay?
4. Ever been on a dance team -  no... but im a one man dance floor burner-upper.. Mr.Cut-a-Rug!
5. Ever been on a sports team - yes
6. Ever been in a drama play/production – no... i hate drama.. (im looking at you FEMALES!)
7. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - in like every car video game!
8. Ever been in a rap video? – everyday whilst i drive... its my thing..
  • Last person to

1. Sleep in bed beside you? - Ex
2. Saw you cry? – Ex
3. You went out to dinner with? - dont know?
4. You talked on the phone to? - my phone rings.. i screen call.. i never pick up...
5. Made you laugh? - Barney or Troy
  • Would you rather

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? – neither... is this 1998?
2. Be serious or be funny? – depends, but I’m already funny sooooo
3. Drink whole or skim milk? - skim..
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? - can i be left alone?

Are you

1. Simple or complicated? – simple
2. Retarded? - No I do not have a mental disability. Retarded is a stupid way to insult a person because you wouldn’t call a mentally disabilled retarded would you?

  • Do you prefer

1. Flowers or candy? - Shortbread...
2. Gray or black? - neither
3. Color or Black and white photos? – as long as it was once RAW i dont care...
4. Sunrise or sunset?-sunrise
5. Staying up late or waking up early? - staying up late then waking up early like it ain't no thing..
6. Sun or moon? - Sun
7. Winter or Summer? - Summer
8. Left or right? - Left
9. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? – 2 best friends
10. Sun or rain? - warm rain
11. Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - vanilla
12. Vodka or Jack Daniels? - Red creaming soda with a spoon of ice cream??

  • Answer truthfully

1. Do you like anyone? - Yep
2. Do they know it? – Nope
  • Unique

1. Nervous Habits? – i have to fiddle when in the presence of others.. otherwise i dont function...
2. Are you double jointed? – yep.. my thumb... check it [totally showing off]
3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - no... but i can tie a lolly snake into a knot therefore making me a talented kisser?
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? – yes
5. Can you cross your eyes? - yes
6. Do you make your bed daily? – no

  • In the last month, have you

1. Had a relationship? - nope
2. Bought something? - many things...
3. Sang - yes
4. Been hugged - yes
5. Felt stupid - all the time.
6. Missed someone - yes

  • Lasts

1. Last Alcoholic Drink - Lemon, Lime & bitters?... wow...
2. Last Car ride - coming home from school.. Nicki Minaj bumping...
3. Last Movie Seen - Girl with the dragon tattoo....
4. Last person kissed- Amber

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